Monday, March 29, 2010

Distracted Healer

Dear Moo;

My healer is pretty good but is easily distracted. I think he surfs porn while healing me in boss fights.
He's a pretty good guy (for a pervert), but how can get him to pay attention to me instead of watching porn during raids?

Please don't let me die you pervert!

Dear Let Me Die;

Well, I think the problem here is not your healer, but you.
Do you have any idea how unattractive plate armour is?
Do you think your healer would rather be looking at you, or some nubile thing on some free porn website.

To delve into theorycrafting for a moment, I think the following formula applies:

titties>plate armour

But, of course none of this helps you. Here's what I would do.

If you're not a female toon, pay for a change so you can become one.

Then, just before the raid, take off your armour and raid nude.

It always helps to stop tanking and emote a kiss or something every so often.

Your healer will be paying attention and everyone will be happy!!

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